A common goal for many parents, even us parents of kids with disabilities, that they will grow up to hold a 'typical' job. A job that they can support themselves and/or their family.
But many of these kids need extra help and support, particularly when they are younger, in school. Particularly for academics. As your child is in a 'resource room', 'self contained classroom', or 'special education school', they have extra help. Sometimes it is clear that this is the environment they need. They are behind grade level academically, they struggle to keep it together in the environment they are in, they fall apart when they do happen to be exposed to the regular education environment.
Then comes the day, they are at grade level. They are doing well at grade level. In general, they are not having too many issues in their limited exposure to regular education environment.
How do you know when it is time to push to try for more 'inclusion'? You know it will be a struggle. You know that academics will at least temporarily suffer. You also know they need to learn to live in a less sheltered environment.
Sometimes, being an adult is hard.