Thursday, August 21, 2014


Today marks the beginning of a new school year. This school year is the first time both boys start on the same day. Preschoolers and kindergarteners start after the rest of the kids go back. This last week has been full of a multitude of tasks to hopefully make the transition and the school year go smoother. The usual school supplies. New glasses for both boys (Pyrope is forever misplacing his and Obsidian's were always sliding down his nose). Emails to their teachers regarding various points of their IEPs. A meeting with 2 of Pyrope's teachers. Various tasks for the PTA to get the year going.

As I was at the school for Pyrope's meeting, I stopped and talked with two of Obsidian's teachers. They thanked me for the email I sent, as they did not receive a copy of his IEP until this morning. I walked away very disturbed by this fact. Obsidian has educational challenges, however what I was disturb with was my email was only in regard to the medical aspects of his IEP. To have his teachers not know about his medical needs up until the day before they are in charge of his well being for 7.5 hours a day, is worrisome. Very worrisome. I'm aware that there has not been any 'issues' with Obsidian at school. Although many (including school district staff) attribute that to being proactive and not letting things get to that point. Obsidian has heat intolerance, it is very hot right now. Obsidian has fasting intolerance and can not participate in very active play unless he has had a snack (and recess is before lunch), nor can he go more than 3 hours without eating (lunch is over by 12:30, school doesn't let out until 3:55). He has occasional episodes of hypoglycemia. All very important 'details' to know about a kid in your care. To not have your employer tell you about this until less than a day before... when I'm sure they have other things on their 'must do' list?

This is why I'm always so involved. Involved in ways that my boys don't necessarily see. Just trying to set the stage so they can be healthy and live up to their potential....

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