Since Obsidian is moving more, he is getting the associated bumps, bangs, bruises, cuts, and fat lips. Pyrope's injury that kept occurring was black eyes. I think by the time he turned 3, he had had 5 black eyes. Obsidian's thing seems to be fat lips. We were at a relative's house and he fell while climbing off a chair and split open his lip. That really bled. Everywhere. It was over a week before his lip was completed healed. His lip had only been completely healed for a couple days when Obsidian was on the swing set, swinging and decided he was done and left go. And fell. Hard. Face first. He bled some (but not nearly as much as the previous split lip), there was a cut below on his chin. His teeth looked intact. We put some ice on it, it stopped bleeding. He didn't eat much that night, but nothing to be really concerned about. It wasn't that swollen. Then the next morning, it was really swollen and he wouldn't eat.
I did convince him to let me feed him pudding and yogurt. Eventually he ate some chewy granola bars and meatballs. So I took him to the dentist. When he opened his mouth for the dentist and let him look around, the "real" problem was clearly seen. He has a huge deep laceration on the inside of his lip. It was gross. It takes quite a bit for me to look at a wound and say that, but it looks pretty bad. "Ahh." said the dentist. "Ahh." in deed. He had warmed me that I might have to take him to a pediatric dentist if Obsidian was uncooperative. Oh no, that was not the next step. Next step was an oral surgeon. Finding one that takes kids as young as Obsidian, with a wound as old it is was, was quite the chore. His nurse was quite frustrated by the exercise. A trip the following morning to the one oral surgeon who agreed to see him was set up (he wasn't working the day we went to the dentist, so waiting until the next option was the soonest thing, which the oral surgeon didn't want to wait that long for Obsidian would be seen, but there were no other options). So the bottom line? That little cut on his chin that we thought was the injury initially, well that is where the teeth poked all the way through. The options at that point was have him admitted to a hospital and put him under general anesthesia then fix it, or hold him really tight in my lap, give him a shot of Novocain and just deal with him screaming while he was being fixed up. I went with Novocain. 5 internal and 3 external stitches later, we were done. I was informed if I would have brought him in sooner it would have been easier, even if it was yesterday. Dude, I tried. Antibiotics for 5 days. Come back in 5 days to get the stitches out. He'll have a scar, but hopefully he won't have any trouble with his lips (as he went all the way through the muscles).
For anyone keeping tract of specialties I've had to take my kids to I'm at 8 (if you count specialists it would be more as I've gone through a couple in a couple areas). Orthopedic surgeon, cardiologist, gastrointestinogist, neurologist, endocrinologist, geneticist, ophthalmologist, and oral surgeon. Rock on world, rock on.
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