I took Pyrope and Obsidian to a playground that is awesome, but it is a bit of a drive so we don't go often. We had not been there in 3 months. We went with friends two girls (one is similar age to Pyrope, the other to Obsidian). While I was there, I was struck by how much my kids have grown. Pyrope was running around with his friend and needed just loose supervision. They were playing some very involved role playing games and just running and climbing over everything. Even a year ago at this park I was having to help Pyrope climb on some of the equipment. He wasn't nearly as verbal. And how he plays with friends has deepen. Before it was more concrete play, this time they were happily inhabiting a complex world that they created. Not that it was all love of course, there were the typical "I want to do this, not what you want to do." and "I want to do what you are doing so get off."
Obsidian's changes were more dramatic and noticeable to everyone. On the last trip, he couldn't climb on most of the equipment, even in the baby part. This time he was pulling himself up, climbing down off, exploring, sliding, with minimal adult help. He was actually running, something that has really started to come together in the last couple of weeks. The last trip was notable for the tear of frustration followed by temper tantrums and meltdowns. Obsidian was still the first kid exhausted, but he made it a lot longer than he did earlier this summer. A lot longer. I continue to be worried and frustrated with his gross motor skills, but seeing him play at the playground like this make me realize his is making gains. Pretty significant gains. Many people (doctors and therapists included) blame a lot of his gross motor delays on his size. However, he is only 1/8 of an inch taller than our last trip (trust me, the child is measured often enough I know). I don't think that 1/8" explains all of the things he can now do. Maybe some, but I wouldn't even say the majority, and in some ways I suspect none. He has come a long way in a relatively short amount of time.
Thinking about how little I had realized Pyrope had grown up and how Obsidian had been making leaps gross motor wise, I got to thinking about how many changes happen right in front of us without us realizing. We are so close, that all of the tiny changes that happen don't really register until we are suddenly looking at it thinking "When did this happen?" or "How did I/we get here?" By not missing a thing, I sometimes loose sight of what the current big picture is. It has me thinking about changes in my marriage, in my relationships with friends, in my relationships with family, in my "work self", where am I? Is it where I was? Is it where I want to be?
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