Monday, February 28, 2011


When Pyrope was little (say under the age of 2), I used to hang out with a mom and her daughter who was 2 months younger than Pyrope.  As the kids began to get older, our parenting styles didn't match as well and we started to drift apart.  There was no argument or hard feelings, just a natural drift.

This weekend, she posted on my Facebook wall about activities to do with her daughter.  I said something about Play-Doh.  She responded that it is too messy for her (the mom's) liking.  Huh?  I don't even really consider Play-Doh a messy activity.  I thought to myself that our drift apart was probably a good thing.  I'm guessing she would not want her kids playing with mine in the "garden" (read area of dirt they are allowed to play and do whatever in), or helping me cook (now that can be a very messy indoor activity), or painting.  A friend commented how she always has her kids wear play clothes to my house as she never knows what they will get into and in the same breath how much her kids love coming to my house.  I have a philosophy, I have a washing machine and a bath tub.  If the clothes can not survive the kids play, I probably should not own it (or at least not have them wear it for things other than special occasions).

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