Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Just everything

Somehow, 'everything' seems to be happening this summer.

Most of the things in isolation would cause me some stress but not knock me down.

However, I feel knocked down.  Or ready to be knocked down.  But I'm stubborn.  Very stubborn and I keep going.  As I've burst into tears a couple times in the last few week with "I don't want to do this anymore" as I'm talking with my best friend, I know that I will.  She knows that I will.  I just don't like it.

Pyrope has started kindergarten.  He is not particularly enjoying it.  His best friend is in his class, which he likes.  However, he has informed me on several occasions it is easier for him to learn when I teach him at home.  There is too much noise at school.  While I agree that I can teach him more academically at home, I saw a very significant decrease in his social and verbal skills since he has been out of school since May.  On top of this, he will neither live, go to school, or eventually work in a bubble.  He has to learn how to function in the "real world".  Academically, he can learn virtually nothing this year, and he will still "pass" kindergarten, as his reading and math skills test at least at a 1st grade level, in some areas a 2nd grade level.  So on we will go.  With lots of communication to the teacher.  I will continue to work on reading, writing, and math at home.  He will go to school, communicate with others, socialize, and try to learn how to learn while there.

Obsidian was taken off of growth hormone in July.  It wasn't working.  The blood tests proved it was not working.  His growth velocity had not changed.  There is a different hormone, IGF-1, he is now on.  Getting it approved of by the insurance is being a chore.  My main problem right now is with his doctor.  If I could switch doctors I would.  Problem being, I can't (practically).  The pharmaceutical company that makes it is supplying him (for up to 8 months) with the medication while we are trying to get it approved by insurance.  He has been on it for slightly less than 3 weeks.  By my measurements (and they have always been accurate in the past), he has grown more in the 3 weeks he has been on IGF-1 than the 6 months he was on GHT (2.6 cm vs 1.9).  I'm hoping I'm measuring correctly.   I'm hoping (and trying my best) to make sure he can continue on the drug.  At this point, I'm not really looking for answers for Obsidian and his medical issues, but just looking for the best treatments I can find.  If there is a way to increase his growth rate so he is a typical (or closer to it) height as an adult, it would be great.  If a way is not found, I just need to focus on teaching him how to function in a world that is made for adults that are above 5', when he will most likely be right around 4'.  I really hope this does give his body what he needs to grow to his genetic potential (which is most likely somewhere in the 5'8" to 5'11" range based on family history). 

My work is work.  My boss that I like has been moved to a different facility.  The one that I have never got along with is it.  She is a nice person, but somewhat lacking in managerial skills that would be beneficial to her job.

Jet's job has degraded to the point he updated his resume.  This is a large step for him.  Finding a job won't be an issue, he just doesn't like change.  So he drags his feet when it is time to change.  He really has not seriously began to look, apply, or interview.  Hopefully the day is coming sooner now.  I would have long been gone, for various reasons.

Jet and I have been arguing.  I really keep getting the feeling he doesn't see or get my point.  Sometimes I think he is trying to taunt me by his actions, but when I stop and really think, I don't feel he is purposely taunting me per se, he just doesn't get what my issue is.  No matter how I explain it, or try to have others help me explain it.  I'm tired of the argument.  I want some sort of resolution.  Even if it means a resolution that I don't particularly like or want.  I just don't like where we, or rather our relationship is.  Or the cycle we seem to be stuck in.  Jet doesn't appear to be nearly as bother by all of it.  That or he is just hoping it will go away, which is really the most likely scenario.

A couple of the positions I took on this spring in organizations are more than I anticipated.  Not horribly more.  Not more than I can handle.  Just more than I expected.  And I find it wearing.  I keep saying that soon that will calm down.  And it really should.