Sunday, February 12, 2012


Life seems to keep throwing things at me lately.  Things that I don't particularly like or want to deal with.  For the most part, I'm reacting reasonably.  In my view.  But...

Sometimes things come up that I even think I am overreacting to.

It started with a simple statement.  Jet says, "I started cleaning yesterday.  You need to clean your bathroom today."  This was directed at me.  It irritated me.  Really irritated me.

My come back "Did you call to get an appointment for the consult with the periodontist?"

"Not yet."

After a few interchanges back and forth, the real answer.  He hasn't called, and isn't going to.  He admits to gum problems "but no teeth have fallen out yet."

This infuriates me.  I am about to give up a dream so I have a better chance at avoiding cardiovascular and kidney problems in the future.  I haven't shown signs of having these problems, but it would be best as a proactive measure.  However to do this, something else needs to be in place first.  And that something else requires me to give up a dream.  And it sucks.

I'm just furious, and sad, and mad.  All over cleaning a bathroom.  How ridiculous. 

1 comment:

  1. I think, my friend, it isn't about cleaning a bathroom. I'm sorry, it's a terribly hard thing to do.
