Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Despite, or maybe because, there has been so many things happening this week, I've been finding a lot to be thankful for.
  1. Jet's willingness to help fix up mechanical things.  For anyone.  He is willing to put in a lot of time, and even more time teaching while he is doing it.
  2. Our neighbors to the north.  They don't mind us, I think they might even like us.  There are many reasons that they could not like us.  The kids toys always straying into our yard.  Pyrope riding his bike into their rose bushes.  The constant cars being worked on parked in our driveway which is right next to their patio.  The noise from working on... things.  Jet leaving on his motorcycle at 6 am.  Periodially seeing Pyrope 'watering the grass'.  The list goes on and on.
  3. My mom living close enough, being able, willing, and watching the boys when I need help.
  4. Obsidian's smiles.  They make up for the stare downs we get into.
  5. Despite many near misses, the fact that we have not had any really serious injuries.
  6. The fact that although my one job is looking like it is drying up soon, other jobs are always presenting themselves.  It is just a matter of applying and going through the motions.
  7. The internet.  It is incredible the amount of information (and misinformation) that is a few searches away.  20 years ago, the amount of time and research to get a fraction of the information was so great.

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