Friday, January 21, 2011


So early this week, a spam got sent out from what looked like my email account to every person in my contact list.  I did not send it.  One very nice computer man who came to my house later, I think I'm okay.

One person in my contact list is my dad.  I know there is no real reason to keep his old work email address in my contact list.  I know he has been gone for over 5 years.  But when I see it in there, I always thought I could email him if I wanted his view of something.  My logical side knew this was not true, that the account has been long shut down.  And even if it wasn't, he wouldn't be able to reply.  But since I had never emailed him, I could try it at some point if I really wanted (yes, I know this makes NO sense).  So when the bounced spam got sent to me, I was upset by the fact that it is no longer an option.  My email will just get returned to me as unsendable.  And this makes me sad.  As completely irrational as it is.

I still haven't deleted him as a contact.  I doubt I will.

1 comment:

  1. Ruby,
    You had posted on my blog ( regarding my son's PWS 11.2-12 deletion. Ryan has been on GH since he was 11 months old. I would be happy to discuss this further with you. My e-mail is Have a great day!
