Monday, March 14, 2011

Thumbs up? Thumbs down?

So I got a Nook.

I like it and I don't.

I like reading books on it.  I like the size of it.  And I like the relative easy of getting books onto it.  I like that I can access the internet on it.

I don't like the fact that I can only check out 10 books from the library and can't return any of them early.  So I'm stuck with whatever I check out for 21 days, then it is magically gone.  I'm at a point in my life, if I don't like the book I'm reading, I just stop reading it.  My time for reading is too limited at this point to read something I don't really like.  Next, I don't like the limited selection there is for the library books.  It is a very odd selection, and I really can't predict many of the books that are going to appear.  And the majority of them are checked out.  I can get on the wait list, but if I have my 10 books already checked out, and none will be returned in 2 days, I'm out of luck and I have to try again.  I'm not particularly into buying books but I do.  And after I do, I very frequently loan them out.  I know a good number of people who have eReaders.  If I buy a book for BN that you can lend (and not all of them you can do that), then I can only lend it one time for 14 days, and that is it.  I don't like that (for instance, I have bought the whole Percy Jackson series, and now the Kane Chronicles, and the new Olympian series... after I've read each book, I pass it to my mother, then to a friend, then to another friend, and then finally to my sister.  Another friend buys many books, she reads it, then my friend, then I do, then usually my mom, then it goes back to the owner.  So I don't like my limits on sharing.  I understand one person at a time, but I would like the right to lend more freely.)  I have a hard time justifying buying a copy of an eBook, that in many cases I can get for a similar price (and some cases lower price) in a physical copy, that I'm then free to pass along.  My sister says she was able to find a good number of books that she wanted to read for free from various places on the web.  I think I need to try this more, in my very limited time.  Or have her show me where she goes next time she is around.

So I like reading books on my Nook.  But the negatives just about outweigh the positives.  I don't think I would purchase one if I tried it before I bought it, but it isn't all bad either.  It has some major pros.  If I had a better (meaning cheaper and I can lend what I do buy) of getting books, it would be a definite thumbs up.  I'm guessing these issues will change with time, but we just aren't there yet.

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