Friday, March 18, 2011


Today I took Obsidian for a second opinion in with a different geneticist.  I did not particularly feel the need to do so, but this particular doctor had been brought up to me by 3 different people who do not know each other (a doctor, a friend, and a co-worker who happens to be a doctor).  So I figured, if each of these people brought it up, I should do it.  Just to cover the bases.

I liked her.  In many ways she is more friendly than the one we have, but he is nice enough.  And he is a preferred provided (and she is not).  She commented on how I had covered all of my bases appropriately, but at this point, it does not appear that there is "an answer".  Obsidian's chromosomal deletion might be the root of his issues, but it might not.  That to keep plodding along with eyes open to clues of what is the underlying cause, and to treat any of the specific symptoms that can be treated.  Essentially, continue on with what we are doing.

The unexpected came from doing the family tree.  Jet's mother was diagnosed in a span of 3 months, 3 types of unrelated cancer.  This is good in the sense it isn't mets in 2 places as well as an original site.  However, it is suggestive of a genetic basis.  Particularly with her sister (her only sibling) having a fairly advanced colon cancer diagnosed in her 50's.  Her suggestion was at least genetic counseling for my MIL to look at the risk of it being a genetic predisposition so there can be a recommendation if it is advisable for genetic testing.  Since 2 of my MIL's 3 cancers are female reproductive cancers, the implications are significantly more for my SIL and her two children (that are both girls).  I asked about Jet and our boys, she said that the chances for them are most likely not that affected even if it is genetic because Jet is male, and our kids are male.  But it could be.

Jet didn't have a lot to say after I brought this up.  He was thinking.  He did try to call his mother, but just got the answering machine (she doesn't go out much, but sits with her laundry as someone in the building keeps stealing laundry... this is a senior apartment complex.  Really, stealing laundry?)

So it was what I was expecting as far as Obsidian.  But I was caught unawares...

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